Issue Eighteen

No Name by John Widdowson


When women were birds by Ursula Shepherd

The Lonely Walk Home by Brandon Shane

Ghost by Amanda Mitzel

Devil by Linda Wojtowick

Death and Déjà vu by Chelsea Jackson

Flash Fiction

In a Cottage in a Wood by Ann Birch

Rats by Abigail Diaz

The Night Market by Jim Hohenbary

Mission 33 by Danny Giancioppo

Echo by Nathaniel Tynsmith

I Am Only One by Maya Sumile

Short Story

Flesh of My Flesh by Jonathan Simkins

Hand of Glory by Max Firehammer

The Tale of the Necrobotanist by Kaitlyn Petry

The Woodshed by Kate Autio

What Kind of a Name is Nuckelavee? by Eolas Pellor

The Rocks by Gemma Siegler

High Taiga by Kelsey Griffith

Small Stones by Cherie Stoll